Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Digital Business Information System Samples †

Question: Discuss about the Digital Business Information System. Answer: Introduction This is an essay, which provides a brief description about the ways in which the SAP or other Enterprise Resource Management software can be used to gain competitive advantage in the market. The usage of the ERP has become very common so the companies will have to make usage of the software in a different way so that they can gain competitive advantage in the market. The essay depicts various methods that can be used to gain competitive advantage by innovative usage of the ERP system. The second part of the essay portrays the risk that are associated with ERP system and how they can be mitigate the risk to improve the operational productivity and competitive advantage in the market. There are lot of risk involved in the implementation of the project and it is essential for the companies to give proper importance to this factors. Usage of SAP or Enterprise resource management to gain competitive advantage The market for the fast moving consumer goods (FMCG) sector is changing at a rapid rate. There are large of threats, which the companies have to face in order to maintain their sustainability in the market (Ram, Wu and Tagg 2014). Information technology has emerged as one of the important tools, which has provided competitive advantage to various companies. There are lot of new challenges, which the modern business companies have to face including competition from new entrants in the market. The expectations of the consumers have also increased so in order to gain competitive advantage in the market the companies are using Enterprise resource planning (ERP).The management of the supply chain of a company is one of the factor which helps a company to competitive advantage in the market (Marinagi, Trivellas and Sakas 2014). An organization can be efficient only when it is able to spread information quickly throughout the various parts of the supply chain. The companies use enterprise r esource management for this very purpose, which helps them to accelerate the process of the supply chain and increase the efficiency of the system. The market scenario has changed over the past decades and the companies in the market have realized the importance of the usage of enterprise resource management. The companies have started the usage of the software like SAP and oracle for better management of the various aspects of the organization. The usage of Big data analysis and database management system has changed the perspective of the organizations all over the world (Stratopoulos 2016). The present scenario in the market shows there has been drastic changes in the working of the companies and Enterprise resource management has become integral part of the organizations. The implementation of the ERP system is not easy for some of the organizations and customization of the ERP system is very common in the present scenario. The companies are spending millions of dollars to customize their enterprise resource management systems so that they can improve the efficiency of the overall processes in the organization (Sakas, Vlacho s and Nasiopoulos 2014). However, it has become very common where most of the companies in the market are trying to use the same technology to gain competitive advantage in the market. There are lots of companies who are following the market leaders in order to develop a better business model but many have failed because of the lack of customization of the ERP system (Soliman and Karia 2015). The companies will always have to customize their ERP system if they want to increase the operational efficiency of the system. Thus, arises a problem where all the companies in the market are using the ERP and trying to use the same procedure to gain competitive advantage in the market. The companies in the FMCG sector are all facing the same problem and the only thing that is differentiating the market leaders from the market followers are the execution of the various ERP procedures (Ahmad et al. 2016). The general ERP system provided to a company will fulfil the 80% of the needs of the company and the remaining 20% of the system has to be customized to suit the need of the operation of the particular organization (Chowdhury 2016). The companies in the organization are trying to improve the efficiency of the usage of the ERP system and using the systems in an innovative so that it can provide competitive advantage to the company. The implementation of the ERP system is one of the essential factors for gaining competitive advantage in the market. There are two ways that a company will be able to maintain their competitive advantage in the market, one is better execution of the ERP procedure and second is the innovation of the ERP system (Yang and Wang 2015). Modern industry is very fast and there is rapid change in the technology, procedures and the needs so the companies will have to keep on innovating new systems, which will provide competitive to the companies in the market. Howev er, the cost of research and development for companies are high and sometimes it is not feasible for them to invest such amount of money. Thus, the companies are left with only option where they are forced to make better implementation of the processes of the Enterprise resource management (Jain 2016). The above two processes can provide a company with a competitive advantage but there are some drawbacks attached to it. The company, which is trying to use innovation and new technology to sustain their competitive advantage, will not be able to make it. The most difficult thing is to keep on innovating new ideas and technologies for better usage. The technological field is progressing at a rapid rate and all the competitors are focusing on the up gradation of the present system (Hawking and Sellitto 2017). Thus, it is impossible for the companies who are only focusing on innovation of the processes to sustain their competitive advantage as all competitors are focusing on better invention of technologies and ideas. However, the increase in the efficiency of the implementation of the process is a factor, which could help a company to maintain the competitive advantage in the long run. The companies will have to customize the ERP system to make it more adapt for the organization. The c ompanies in the FMCG sector will have to make use of innovation in the field of the implementation of the processes. There are various processes involved in the ERP system and the business model for the companies can be improved by the usage of open innovation (Gichuki 2017). There are lot of companies who follow open innovation but the majority of the companies in this market use close innovation process to gain competitive advantage. However, open innovation is one of the best ways of utilizing the resources of the company and the company can make improvements in the business model. SAP and Oracle are the common ERP technologies that are being used by the companies but improvements in this software are easily available to all the companies. Thus, gaining competitive advantage based on the technological advancement is not a viable solution (Douglas, Chelliah and Minter 2014). The companies will have to keep on improving the execution processes of the management so that the overall operational efficiency of the companies is increased. The collection of information is another factor, which will provide the companies with a competitive advantage. The proper usage of the information available about the customers and the market will help the company to improve the execution of the ERP system. Embedded risk involved in the implementation The implementation of the enterprise resource management has become a common phenomenon but there are number of risks involved in the execution of the system. The implementation of this large system is time consuming and expensive which gives rise to a lot of risk. The main problem in the ERP system is the fact that all the processes are interlinked and if one falters, the other will follow (Marcelino-Sdaba et al. 2014). Moreover, the implementation of the ERP is quite tough in an organization because the complete operational functioning of the company changes at rapid rate. The setback in one of the processes will mean that there will be delay in the process and it will tough for the companies to meet their respective deadlines. This delay in the process will result in the development of other risk such as contingency and scheduling risk. There is a misconception that ERP is totally based on implementation of the system at the information technology level but it consist of all the p rocesses involved in the execution of the businesses. The managers who are involved in the implementation of the ERP procedure will need the support of the managers in the organization so that the system can be properly executed. The cooperation of the managers is required until the project is fully implemented within the organization (Wu, Chen and Olson 2014). Moreover, the involvement of the cross-functional areas is essential in the implementation of the system. This is a risk factor as most of the companies do not involve the usage of the cross functional areas but this risk can be avoided if a personnel is kept for making the decisions about the execution and implementation of the processes (Olson and Wu 2015). Testing of the ERP system may give rise to risk where the managers may use shortcuts methods to accelerate the process of commencement. However, improper testing may cause higher risk for the company as it will increase the cost of maintenance. The proper testing of the project will ensure that the maintenance cost is low. Moreover, continuous testing of the system will have to be done so that the system functions normally and all the timelines for the company are met (Bowers and Khorakian 2014). Risk is associated with the management of the data, conversion and the validation of the data has to be done at the proper time and ha ve to make sure that the proper maintenance of the program is done. Security risk is another risk that has been underestimated by most of the major companies where the accessibility of the data has to be restricted so that the data cannot be misused by foreign users. The above-mentioned risks are the main risk that the companies will have to avoid so that they are able to operate smoothly without any delay in the processes. A control team has to be appointed which will make sure that the system can be controlled manually at times of emergency when there is a big failure in the operation of the system. The task risk can be mitigated by reducing the complexity of the processes (Tian and Xu 2015). The company will have to make sure that they simplify the processes of the system by innovating new changes. However, there are simpler methods of simplifying the projects; the companies make may the work between various departments which will make the work more easy. The conception that the implementation of the ERP system is only a part of the information technology team is a wrong and the other departments will have to help the company in implementation of the ERP system. The implementation of the ERP is a big risk in terms of the changes in the structu re of the organization. The implementation of the ERP system generally changes the overall structure and the functionality of the organization. The company will have appoint an official who will be able to monitor the overall process to make sure that all the aspects of the ERP system is fulfilling the requirements of the organization (Lpez. and Salmeron 2014). There are several teams who are involved with the implementation of the project soothe company will have promote open discussions among various team which will make sure that the goals and objective of the organization remains the same. There are some factors, which are critical for the success of the project so the company will have to make sure that the various teams involved in the process have their point of focus on those critical points. Actor risk another risk that the company will have to mitigate which involves the management of the human resources for the company. The company will have to make sure that all the skil led employees are given important responsibilities so that they are able to handle the situations in a better way (Bintoro et al. 2015). The employees will have to be provided with proper cross-functional training, which will provide motivation and broaden the horizon of the staffs. The technology risk can be avoided by constant innovation in the technologies and evaluation of the progress the company has made. This will make sure that the company is able to learn from the past mistakes they have made and capitalize on the new opportunities in the market. Modelling is another tool which is being widely use by various companies in the market. This is an effective method, which helps in reduction of the cost of the implementation of the software in the company and at the same time increase the acceptance of the user for the ERP system (Rajnoha et al. 2014). The model consists of the current processes and the changes that has to be made after the implementation of the process. Conclusion Thus, after the evaluation of the various factors it can be determined that the best ways of gaining competitive advantage in the market is improvement in the processes of the implementation of the ERP system. The organization processes in a company will have to go through constant integration, which will make sure that the model will keep on improving. The company will have to make utilization of the human resources of the company to make sure that the various process time are reduced which will in turn make sure that the overall time of the completion of the supply chain management is reduced. Proper communication between various departments is one of the most important factors, which will make sure that the company is able to avoid any contingencies. The implementation of the ERP system will give rise to potential risks, which the company will have to take into account. The companies will have to take all factors in to account if they want to maintain their competitive advantage i n the market. Thus, it has been established that there are there factors, which can be sued by the companies so that they can gain competitive advantage in the market and they are time period of the project, size of the project and huge number of actors. These factors will have to be measured and monitored which will make sure that the time period of the project remain the same, if there are large number of parameters involved it will have to be divided in to various parts to reduce the complexity of the project and uncertainty attached with the human factors will have to be taken in to consideration. References Ahmad, N., Naveed, R.T. and Ahmad, S., 2016. Attainment of Competitive Advantage through ERP and Procurement.Oman Chapter of Arabian Journal of Business and Management Review,6(3), pp.37-44. Bintoro, B.P.K., Simatupang, T.M., Putro, U.S. and Hermawan, P., 2015. Actors interaction in the ERP implementation literature.Business Process Management Journal,21(2), pp.222-249. Bowers, J. and Khorakian, A., 2014. Integrating risk management in the innovation project.European Journal of innovation management,17(1), pp.25-40. 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