Monday, June 15, 2020

Samsung Company Analysis Essay - 2475 Words

Samsung Company Analysis (Essay Sample) Content: SAMSUNG COMPANY REPORTName:Course:Instructorà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬s Name:Date:IntroductionThe company had some undertakings such in the year between 1970 and 1990 the company attained the standards of hardware that are adequately fit for the telecommunication industry. Such a move is among the great takes that the company took to enable it attain its current status and standards in the telecommunication world. In 1992 Samsung Company was the main memory cards chips producing company in the world which was among its entry points into the dominance of the electronics world.With the urge for an effective venture of the company, the company does its venture through classified and intellectual means where the undertakings are oriented in serving the society and helping them improve their living standards. Social factors that affect the running of a business should be critically analyzed and solved in order to promote a healthy and profitable business undertaking. All the political i ssues that seem to affect the undertaking of Samsung Company may be those arising from the tax rates (Michell, 2010). High levels of taxations always make it much difficult for younger companies to thrive well best suits the community.With the continued innovation of more technological products is what Samsung aims. Production of quality and unique products through continued innovations. Serving the customers to attain their satisfaction is also the motive of the company in the efforts to retain its customers as well as sustainability in the field of technology.Leadership strategyThe company being in the market segment providing quality services as well as products for the customers through the diversification of the products and services (Michell, 2010). Through this, the satisfaction of the customer has been achieved thus earning their loyalty over the past decades. The customer loyalty is what that has brought about the growth and the expansion of the company all over the world w ith extensive products as well as services. The profitability of the company has thus increased thus making the company have the ease in its expansion.With the quest for the quality leadership strategies, the leadership of the company has been in the front line to offer the quality and satisfactory leadership techniques that would help in the achievement of the set objectives by the management of the company. Through the strategic management, the company has been able to accomplish the various goals in the growth and development of its venture in the various countries all over the world.With the detailed study of the companyà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬s organizational structure, this has been helping in the improvement of the leadership techniques thus the continued success of the management operations (Kramar and Syed, 2012). The innovation on the various management criteria has been helping in the leadership with the quality leadership techniques in the various levels of leadership within the comp any.The companyà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬s organizational has been maintained in an effective way to ensure the continuity in the services delivery to the clients. With the increased demand from the customers, the company has deployed the numerous numbers of competent and skilled personnel in the leadership of the various company branches as well as in the main branch of the company. Following the wrangles that are always expected to occur among the leaders, the continuous rotation of the employees as well as for the leaders has been enhanced in the move to totally come up with a conflict free working environment.With the leadership strategies deployed for the quality leadership, the company has come up with more improved strategies after the detailed research of the leadership models among the various companies. The strategies include the annual rotational of the branch managers, quarterly rotations of the junior employees, the rewarding of the performing group of employees as well as leaders. Th e rewarding would be an incentive to help in the improvement of the overall performance of the company in the various branches.Through the move, competition among the employees would be propelled thus increase in the performance rates. As the performance increases, the profitability of the company would increase thus adequacy in the funds available for the effectiveness in the companyà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬s management (Michell, 2010). As the performance increases, the companyà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬s dominance in the market would be enhanced thus achieving the competitive advantage over the competitors.Change-hypocrisy and conflict managementChange hypocrisy is the inadvertence to make it public to the involved personnel in the adoption of changes in an organization. Failure to involve the whole team seems as total discrimination of some group of the employees (Kramar and Syed, 2012). This in return brings hatred to some members, as this continues; there will be management wrangles thus poor leadership wit hin the organization. Deprived leadership results to unfortunate decision making which may ruin the sustainability of the organization if not deciphered in virtuous time.Once there exists hypocrisy in the management team in regard to change management, negligence and insincerity among the staffs arises. This makes it much difficult to evaluate the performance of the business as well as maintain the sustainability of the company. Poor communication methods also results from this due to the fact that the neglected staffs feels as if they are unworthy in the undertakings of the company.On detection of a problem, they fail to report as they practice personal hypocrisy against the organizations management. An unnoticed and unreported problem goes uncorrected thus becoming great issues in the future. This leads to the downfall of the company as a result of excessive expenditure than the incomes. Financial disequilibrium results to losses in an organization. Great losses are what bring abo ut the liquidation of a company as its incomes cannot cater for the expenses incurred in the undertaking of different duties.In an organizational view, all the organizational means for facilitating proper communication among the staff should be put in place to evidently across all the levels. Proper communication among the staffs in the different departments will help in familiarity of the staffs to the activities being held in the other departments thus avoiding cases of hypocrisy within the company. Once there is hypocrisy in the organization, there stand chances of employers-employees work crisis.This crisis arises between the employer and the employee. They are mostly due to dis agreements between the two groups. The management or the employer may not be undertaking their governance without the consultancy of the workers where they are supposed to be involved thus provoking them (Michell, 2010). The employees may react to this and cause the disagreement with the employer. It w ill be evidently avoided by lack of hypocrisy in the governance of the organization.Innovation is the key factor in the promotion of organizational development thus triggering international relations of the company with other companies. It will be promoted through the innovation of unique products and services that reach many customers and reach their level of satisfactory. Lack of hypocrisy will make it effective to adopt the changes within the different managerial levels and departments.Organizational strategyWith the current companyà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬s organization in the carrying of its duties, the company has been in the move to allocate more comprehensive methods in the enhancement of the organizational structure. The communication all over the levels of leadership is what that has been in the move to be enhanced as ità ¢Ã¢â€š ¬s the key for quality organization in the company.Proper communication is the key concept in facilitating the growth and development among the different secto rs either socially, economically and politically. In relationship to the growth of the economic sector of the organization, effective communication is what brings about the success in the achievement of the organizational goals and objectives. Through the attainment of the companyà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬s objectives, all the set goals and expectations are always achieved. Service delivery to the customers is usually attained thus attaining the customer satisfaction.All the clients expects for the full satisfaction from the goods and services offered, once their wills are not met they always fell let down and tend to lose the love for the goods and services they are offered (Michell, 2010). However, a client maybe served but end up not being satisfied with the services, this calls for a communication with the client in order to resolve the issue to persuade them and make them understand the inconveniences caused. This at least eases their anger and tries to retain their loyalty towards the compan y.With the enhancement of the proper communication, the operational management of the company will be promoted through the organizational structureà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬s communication model. The communication will be enhanced thus the relationship between the consumers and the producers will be healthy and satisfying relationship thus ensuring the sustainability of the customer as well as that of the company in its line of production. The relation will also ensure that there is the efficient and effective flow of information from the consumers and the producers in all direction chain flow of information (Beer, 2005). The strategy will also have duty to enlighten the consumers and producers of the world market prices of the products and services as well as the consumer preference and the prevailing market conditions.InnovationInnovation is the idea of coming up with new things. New market sources, raw materials...

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