Friday, August 21, 2020

Scheme of Instruction, Examination and Syllabus Essay Example for Free

Plan of Instruction, Examination and Syllabus Essay NOTE: EHM shows that the course is drafted by the Department of Humanities. EME shows that the course is drafted by the Department of Mechanical Engineering. ECE shows that the course is drafted by the Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering. EEE demonstrates that the courses is drafted by Department of Electrical Engineering. EEM shows that the courses is drafted by Engineering Mathematics Department. EEP shows that the course is drafted by Engineering Physics Department ECE 320 Soft Skills is normal for all Branches ENG 1001 ENGLISH †I Credits 2 Periods Theory Tutorial/Lab 2 1 Exam Hrs. 3 Sessional Marks 30 Exam Marks 70 Total Marks 100 The accentuation on English Language is massively expanding as a compelling vehicle of correspondence in all segments the World over. As an outcome of this, the obtaining of viable relational abilities in English has gotten generally imperative to the understudies to thrive in their vocations. In this association there is a need to prepare the understudies to furnish themselves with the fundamental abilities required for compelling correspondence in English along these lines empowering them to get a decent position following the fulfillment of their under-graduate courses. To meet the goals of creating capability in English correspondence the accompanying educational plan is intended for good thought. Educational program: THEORY AND PRACTICE (LANGUAGE LAB) 1. A course book with center around aptitudes approach. Proposed to build up the language aptitudes of Listening, Speaking, Reading Writing. 2. Jargon a) One †Word Substitution b) Words frequently Confused †Pairs of Words c) Synonyms and Antonyms d) Foreign Phrases e) Phrasal action words got from the accompanying unique action words Go, Get, Run, Take, Look, Hold, Put, Stand, Etc. f) Idioms and Phrases 3. Sentence structure an) Error Analysis b) Tense c) Voice d) Concord e) Articles and Prepositions 4. Composing Skills a) Prã ©cis Writing b) Note Making c) Letter Writing †(Letters of Enquiry, Invitation, Regret, Congratulations, Condolences, Complaint, Breaking the ice.) d) Reading Comprehension e) Content Writing : Paragraph Writing and Essay Writing Practice (Language Lab) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Communicated in English : Varieties Speech Mechanism The consonant and vowel hints of English Word Accent in Connected Speech Rhythm and Intonation discussion Course book Prescribed: Select papers and short stories from Srivastava, B., and Mahesari, V.K. (Ed.) Modes of English Prose (An Anthology of writing determinations). Reference Books: 1. Sharma, G.V.L.N., English for Engineering Students. 2. Margaret M Maison, Examine your English, Macmillan 3. Krishnaswami, N. what's more, Sriram, T., Current English for Colleges, Macmillan 4. Krishnaswami, N. also, Sriram T., Creative English for Communication, Macmillan. ENG 1002 MATHEMATICS †I Credits 4 Periods Theory Tutorial/Lab 3 Exam Hrs. 3 Sessional Marks 30 Exam Marks 70 Total Marks 100 Incomplete Differentiation and its Applications Functions of at least two factors, halfway subordinates, homogenous capacities †Eular’s Theorem, Total Derivative, Differentiation of certain capacities, Geometrical translation †Tangent plane and typical to a surface. Change of factors, Jacobians, Taylor’s hypothesis for elements of two factors, Jacobians, Taylor’s hypothesis for elements of two factors, Errors and approximations, Total differential, Maxima and minima of capacities two factors, Lagrange’s technique for dubious products, Differentiation under the vital sign †Leibnitz Rule, Involutes and evolutes. Various Integrals and their Applications Double integrals, Change of request of reconciliation, Double integrals in polar directions, Areas encased via plane bends, Triple integrals, Volume of solids, Change of factors, Area of a bend of a bended surface, Calculation of mass, focus of gravity, focus pressure, Moment of dormancy, Produc t of latency, Principle tomahawks, Beta capacity, Gamma work, Relation among Beta and Gamma capacities, Error capacity or likelihood basic. Strong Geometry (Vector Treatment) Condition of a plane, Equation of straight line, Condition for a line to lie in a plane, Coplanar lines, Shortest separation between two lines, Interaction of three planes, Equation of circle, Tangent plane to a circle, Cone, Cylinder, Quadric surfaces. Limitless Series Definitions, Convergence, Divergence and swaying of an arrangement, General properties, Series of positive terms, examination tests, Integral test, D’Alembert’s proportion test, Raabe’s test, Logarithmic test, Cauchy’s root test, Alternating arrangement †Leibnitz’s rule, Series of positive or negative terms, Power arrangement, Convergence of exponential, Logerithmic and bionomial arrangement, Uniform union, Weirstrass M-test, Properties of consistently concurrent arrangement. Fourier Series Eular’s formulae, Conditions for a Fourier development, Functions having purpose of intermittence, Change of interim, Odd and even capacities †Expansions of odd or even intermittent capacity, Half range arrangement, Parseval recipe, Practical symphonious examination. Course readings: Higher Engineering arithmetic by B.S. Grewal Mathematics for Engineering by Chandrica Prasad Reference Books: Higher Engineering Mathematics by M.K. Venkatraman Advanced Engineering Mathematics by Erwin Kreyzig Course readings: Theory of Matrices by Shantinarayanan Higher Engineering Mathematics by B.S. Grewal Advanced Mathematics for Engineering Students, Manieavachgon Pillay, Ramanaiah Reference Books: Higher Engineering Mathematics by M.K. Venkataraman Advanced Engineering Mathematics by Erwin Kreyozig Engineering Mathematics by P.P. Gupta A course reading on Engineering Mathematics by N.P. Bali ENG 1004 PHYSICS THEORY Credits 4 Thermodynamics Heat and work, First law of thermodynamics and applications, Reversible and irreversible procedure, Carnot cycle and effectiveness, Entropy, Second law of thermodynamics, Entropy and confusion, Entropy and Probability, Third law of thermodynamics, Thermography and its applications. Electromagnetism Concept of electric field †Point charge in electric field, Dipole in an electric field, Gauss law, Some applications, Electric potential and field quality, Potential because of a point charge and dipole. Attractive field †Magnetic power on current, Torque on current circle, Hall impact, Ampere’s law, B close to a long wire, B for a solenoid and toroid, The Biot-Savart’s law, B for a roundabout current circle. Faraday’s law of acceptance, Lenz’s law, Calculation of inductance, L-R circuit, Energy put away in attractive field, Induced attractive fields, Displacement flow, Energy thickness in electric and a ttractive fields, Poynting vector S. Maxwell’s conditions and electromagnetic waves (both differential and basic structures), Magnetic properties of materials, Paramagnetism, Diamagnetism, Ferromagnetism, Ferrite and its applications. Optics Interference †Principles and superposition †Young’s analyze †Coherence †Interference of meager movies, Wedge molded film, Newton’s rings, Michelson interferometer and its applications. Diffraction †Single cut (Qualitative and quantitative treatment). Polarization †Polarization by reflection, Refraction and twofold refraction in uniaxial precious stones, Nicol crystal, Quarter and half wave plate, roundabout and circular polarization and identification. Lasers and Fiber Optics Spontaneous and invigorated outflows, populace reversals, Ruby laser, Gas laser, Semiconductor laser, Applications of lasers. Fiber optics, Optical fiber and absolute inward reflection, Acceptance edge and cone of a fiber, Fiber optics in correspondences, Optical parts in fiber, Fiber optic sensors. Periods Tutorial/Lab Exam Hrs. 3 Sessional Marks 30 Exam Marks 70 Total Marks 100 Hypothesis 3 Ultrasonics Production of ultrasonics by magnetostriction and piezoelectric impacts †Ultrasonics and diffraction design, Applications of Ultrasonics. Present day Physics The quantization of vitality, Photoelectric impact, De Broglie idea of issue waves, vulnerability rule, Schrodinger wave condition, application to a molecule in a case. Rudimentary ideas of Maxwell-Boltzman, Bose-Einstein’s and Fermi dirac statics, Fermi dirac dispersion work (no inductions), Free electron hypothesis of metals, Band hypothesis of solids, Kronig penny model, Metals, Insulators and Semiconductors, Ferroelectrics and their applications. Super conductivity, Meisner impact, Types of superconductors and utilizations of superconductors. Nanophase materials †Synthesis, Characterization of nanostructured materials, properties and applications. Sustainable power sources †Solar, Wind and tidal †Applications. Books Recommended: 1. Building Physics by R.K. Gaur and S.D. Gupta 2. Material science by David Halliday and Robert Resnick †Part I and Part II 3. Present day Engineering Physics by A.S. Vadudeva 4. College Physics by Young and Freedman 5. Materials Science by V. Rajendra and A. Marikani 6. Nonconventional Energy by Ashoke V. Desai

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